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How to improve the couple: Aquarius woman and Aquarius man

The electric attraction between two Aquarian souls  During my years of experience as a couples therapist, I had the privilege of working with a couple consisting o...
19-06-2023 15:56

  1. The electric attraction between two Aquarian souls
  2. How to improve compatibility between these signs
  3. Sexual compatibility of Aquarius and Aquarius

The electric attraction between two Aquarian souls

 During my years of experience as a couples therapist, I had the privilege of working with a couple consisting of an Aquarius woman and an Aquarius man. This astrological combination proved to be an interesting and fascinating challenge to approach.

 Laura and Alejandro, as I will call them, came to my office seeking guidance to improve their relationship. They were both intelligent, creative and free-spirited people. From the beginning, I noticed an electric attraction between them, as if their connection was driven by a cosmic force.

 However, I could also quickly perceive that their relationship was plagued by emotional ups and downs and a lack of mutual commitment. This was largely due to their independent personalities and their resistance to traditional relationship norms.

 As we delved deeper into their history, I discovered that the two had been friends for many years before they began their romantic relationship. It was this strong friendship that allowed them to understand each other and develop a deep, shared connection.

 However, their need for freedom and their aversion to labels and social conventions hindered their long-term commitment. They both craved independence and individual exploration, which often created tension and jealousy in their relationship.

 Throughout our sessions, we worked on fostering open communication and setting healthy boundaries. I encouraged them to set individual and shared goals, so that each had the freedom to pursue their own interests while being committed to their relationship.

 It was a long and, at times, challenging process. However, Laura and Alejandro experienced significant personal growth along the way. They learned to value and respect each other's differences, as well as to support each other's individual efforts.

 Over time, their compatibility grew stronger. They learned to find a balance between their need for independence and their desire for deep connection. Although their relationship still had its occasional ups and downs, they managed to build a solid foundation based on communication, mutual respect and unconditional acceptance.

 Ultimately, this Aquarius couple proved that two free and creative souls can find harmony in a relationship, as long as they are willing to do the necessary work and commit to each other.

 Over time, they became an inspiring example for other Aquarius couples looking to find the balance between their individuality and a deep connection.

How to improve compatibility between these signs

 The bond between an Aquarian and an Aquarian has great love compatibility, but can also face challenges if they don't find the right balance from the start. Fortunately, they have several things in common such as sharing the sign of Aquarius. It is vital to take advantage of these similarities to enhance the relationship, as they are both good conversationalists, like different things, have adaptive skills and are curious. The Aquarian and the Aquarian should keep these aspects in mind to project their life in the short and long term.

 Over time, Aquarians may face a major problem: boredom. However, utilizing their commonalities mentioned above will help them overcome this obstacle. In addition, it is vital not to be selfish in intimacy. You should seek mutual pleasure and enjoy sex together in every way your imagination and fantasies can conceive. Having this mindset will be crucial to maintaining a healthy relationship for many years to come.

 A serious problem that can arise in this relationship is a tendency toward pessimism and coldness on the part of both partners. It can arise in both genders intermittently, and in those moments of uncertainty, the couple can feel themselves floundering.

 The Aquarian woman may be driven crazy by how mysterious an Aquarian man can be, as she never fully understands him. Likewise, the Aquarian man can be driven crazy by the mysteriousness of the Aquarian woman. This is part of the nature of their sign, and while it can be charming at times, it can also create problems in the relationship as time goes on.

 At times, the Aquarian may feel insecure and unloved by her Aquarian partner. It is important for her to discover if this insecurity stems from her own perception or if there is really a problem in the relationship.

 If both of you are truly in love, your bond will be long-lasting and fulfilling. However, even in long-term Aquarian relationships, boredom can set in. It is essential that you seek out more fun and different activities together, such as trying new sports, growing plants together, and sharing books and then discussing them. These small changes can help you get out of a rut.

Sexual compatibility of Aquarius and Aquarius

 Sexual affinity between two Aquarius sign individuals is based primarily on the mental connection they establish before moving on to the physical part of the relationship. In my experience as an astrological therapist, I have observed that natives of this sign need intellectual stimulation before they can fully enjoy physical intimacy. That is why it is common for these two individuals to become friends first, as this will allow them to establish a solid foundation for a more satisfying sexual connection.

 Once the two Aquarians have taken the time to get to know each other and build a friendly relationship, they can venture out to explore all the possibilities in the bedroom. Their sexual compatibility will be based on prioritizing the mind over the body. This means that their primary focus will be on mental arousal and experimentation, rather than traditional physical intimacy.

 They are likely to explore all kinds of fantasies and sex toys, and will be open to trying new and exciting things in the bedroom. Since they have a modern mindset and away from traditional conventions, they will be able to enjoy sensual and erotic experiences free from social judgments and prejudices. There will never be a dull moment in bed with two Aquarius, as they will constantly be looking for new ways to experiment and satisfy each other.

 In short, sexual compatibility between two Aquarians is based on mental stimulation and the search for exciting and liberating experiences in the sexual realm. If both are willing to explore and experiment together, they can enjoy a highly satisfying and enriching sexual relationship.

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Today's horoscope: Aquarius

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