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How to improve the couple: Gemini woman and Scorpio man

The power of communication in the love relationship between Gemini and Scorpio  During one of my couples therapy sessions, I had the privilege of working with Juli...
18-06-2023 19:09

  1. The power of communication in the love relationship between Gemini and Scorpio
  2. How to improve this love bond

The power of communication in the love relationship between Gemini and Scorpio

 During one of my couples therapy sessions, I had the privilege of working with Julia, a Gemini woman, and Mark, a Scorpio man, who had been together for several years but were going through a difficult crisis in their relationship.

 From the beginning, I could tell that the two had very different personalities. Julia was outgoing, energetic and always looking for new activities to keep her busy, while Mark was more introverted, reflective and preferred to spend time alone or in quieter activities.

 One of the main causes of conflict between them was their way of communicating. Julia tended to be very direct and spoke without filters, while Marcos was reserved and often felt that he was required to share more than he was comfortable with.

 In one of our sessions, I proposed to them to do an assertive communication exercise. I asked them to sit across from each other, maintaining eye contact, and give each other the opportunity to express their feelings and needs openly and honestly.

 Julia began by sharing her concerns and frustrations, but this time she did so in a more gentle and thoughtful manner. Marcos, for his part, felt more comfortable noticing the empathy in Julia's words and became more open in expressing his thoughts and emotions.

 Over the course of several sessions, we worked on improving the way they communicated, encouraging mutual respect and active listening. I taught them the importance of validating each other's feelings, even if they did not fully understand them.

 Gradually, they began to notice positive changes in their relationship. They learned to communicate more effectively and to find a balance between spontaneity and caution. In addition, they discovered that their diverse personalities could complement each other rather than create conflict.

 Finally, they were able to build a stronger and more understanding relationship. They learned to accept and love each other as they were, recognizing that their love was never less valid because of their differences. Their commitment to open communication and mutual understanding became the foundation of their lasting relationship.

 The power of communication was instrumental in enhancing the love relationship between Julia and Mark. They learned that sincerity, respect and empathy were indispensable pillars to keep their connection alive and overcome any obstacles that came their way.

How to improve this love bond

 The connection between a Gemini woman and a Scorpio man can be quite friendly in this relationship. However, it is common for insecurities to arise, especially on the part of Gemini, who wonders if her partner loves her just as a friend or if he truly loves her, especially at the beginning of the relationship.

 Since these signs have very different characteristics, it is difficult for this couple to get along and constant friction may arise over time. These characteristics are deeply ingrained in each of them, so changing them so as not to upset the other will prove very difficult. Therefore, dialogue is crucial in this relationship to identify these problems and find ways to overcome them.

 The Scorpio man tends to be dominant, which can be obnoxious to a Gemini woman who is not submissive. She may also feel misunderstood by her partner. Therefore, dialogue is essential. If a problem arises, it is important to talk about it. Never try to hide or silence a problem that really bothers you, as this will probably explode later and with worse consequences.

 Another negative aspect of this relationship is the lack of emotional expression. You should discuss this issue to clear up doubts. Perhaps neither of you need to be constantly reminded that you love each other, but insecurities and doubts may arise if the relationship completely lacks affection and words of love.

 If you like to feel loved and wanted, it is important that you both let each other know it. Sometimes, it is difficult to express loving feelings with words, so you can use gestures or small gifts.

 If you look for fun and different things to do together, you can improve your mood. Even activities you never imagined you might both like, such as sharing a book and talking about it, doing a sporting activity as a couple, or even growing a plant together, can create big changes.

 Imagine how wonderful it would be to wait a few months and watch the plant bloom or bear fruit - it's an incredible feeling!

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Today's horoscope: Scorpio
Today's horoscope: Gemini

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