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What is the Sagittarius zodiac like in bed and sex?

A Sagittarius is a great time but is not looking for anything serious or long term. They will make love, and leave quickly afterwards. They enjoy being pleasured, rath...
22-07-2022 13:53

A Sagittarius is a great time but is not looking for anything serious or long term. They will make love, and leave quickly afterwards. They enjoy being pleasured, rather than being the pleaser. They are kind of selfish lovers, but once you hit that sweet spot, they give in immediately. They are good at giving you their undivided attention while in bed, but once they do, they move on to the next victim.

Sexual Compatibility Signs: Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

A big turn on for a Sagittarius is being adventurous in the bedroom. They want to try new positions, techniques and they want you to initiate that. They want sex to be a great adventure that never comes to an end. A turn off for a Scorpio is blandness. They hate the idea of boring foreplay and dull intimacy that leaves them needing a nap afterwards. They want sparks, passion and curiosity. It drives them crazy.

To find out what the Sagittarius sign is like in bed, sex and passion see:
 Making love to a Sagittarius woman
 * Making love to a
Sagittarius man
 * Making love to a
Sagittarius man

What seduction weapons to use with a Sagittarius:
 How to conquer a Sagittarius man
 * How to
conquer a Sagittarius woman
 * How to
win over a Sagittarius man
 * How to
win over a Sagittarius woman

How to win back a Sagittarius ex-partner:

 * How to
win back a Sagittarius man
 * How to
win back a Sagittarius woman

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  • What kind of sex does a Sagittarius man like to have?

    Men born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius love variety and adventure in all aspects, including sex life. They are naturally curious and have an incessant drive for new experiences.

    The Sagittarius man values his freedom and independence, which can also be reflected in his preferences for sex. He likes to experiment, to try something new and different. He is always open to suggestions and ready to explore new territories of satisfying his desires.

    They can be playful and adventurous in the bedroom. Sagittarius men are often interested in different positions, role-playing or the use of different sex toys. They usually have no narrow-mindedness or prejudice about techniques or fantasies.

    It is important to be frank and communicative with the Sagittarius man and express your desires and preferences. They love it when their partner is bold and open to new experiences.

    Remember that every man is unique and his tastes may vary. It's always best to talk to your partner about exactly what he likes and how you can satisfy his needs and wants in the bedroom.

I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

Today's horoscope: Sagittarius

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