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Compatibilities of Sagittarius with other zodiac signs

Compatibilities  Their element is Fire. They are compatible with Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.  Energetic, restless, authoritarian, vital, strong. They can't...
22-07-2022 13:53

  1. Sagittarius: Compatibility as a couple
  2. Sagittarius: compatibility with the other signs


 Their element is Fire. They are compatible with Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.

 Energetic, restless, authoritarian, vital, strong. They can't stand routine, they like change, adventure, exploration, challenge themselves, take risks.

 They are quick to make decisions, impulsive and impatient.

 They are also compatible with the signs of the Air element: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Sagittarius: Compatibility as a couple

 Generally speaking, Sagittarius is uncomfortable in any relationship with too many obligations. Sagittarius wants to be free. A partner who tries to restrict that freedom will have to be very seductive to keep Sagittarius.

 Although Sagittarius is reluctant to commit, there is fidelity, for the moment. Sagittarius can relate to everything and stick to it completely, if not ordered or forced to do so. Free choice is a paradox, and Sagittarius lives it.

 In either case, the partner is sure to feel a lot and make the most of it, no matter how short and uncertain the relationship is. There is intensity and passion, even if Sagittarius always reserves a small corner of the mind for other things, something that is not shared.

Sagittarius: compatibility with the other signs

 Sagittarius, the independent of the zodiac, belongs to the fire element, which is the element of intense activity. So are Aries and Leo, but that doesn't necessarily mean that Sagittarius is particularly compatible with them - they need to agree on common goals. And Sagittarius must be attracted to each other.

 Nor is Sagittarius always incompatible with, say, the water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, although they are quite different. In fact, differences are important in a relationship.

 This is most evident when comparing astrological qualities: cardinal, fixed and mutable. Each sign of the Zodiac has one of these qualities.

 Sagittarius is mutable, always ready for change and variety. That combines quite well with other mutable signs in a relationship, if they are patient enough to discover that in each other. The mutables are Gemini, Virgo and Pisces. They have a similar impatience and curiosity, but that also means they can pass each other by without even noticing this similarity. Not to mention Sagittarius' initial aversion to commitment.

 Sagittarius is much more compatible with the cardinal signs, who are the leaders, the ones who take the initiative. They also like change, as long as they choose it. The cardinal or leaders are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Such a relationship, with a leader and a follower, is at least mostly smooth. But, of course, there can be other problems. For Sagittarius, it is not so easy to accept that another leads... if this leadership is evident, Sagittarius will definitely rebel.

 With signs that are fixed or slow to change, Sagittarius easily becomes bored and restless. Change and variation are essential to this sign, as are adventure and discovery. When bored, Sagittarius simply takes off, no matter what. The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

 But nothing is set in stone. A relationship is complex. There is no guarantee what will work and what will not. All the personality traits of each zodiac sign must be taken into account when examining your astrological compatibility.

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Today's horoscope: Sagittarius

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