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15 low-stress self-care tips for stressful days

Self-care is indispensable to get through the hectic modern day. In this article 15 quick tips that will help you in your daily life....
Author: Alegsa

Tired of being constantly connected to social networks? Take a break and disconnect for an hour.

 Turn off your phone or better yet, put it on airplane mode. This will allow you to take a breather and free yourself from the pressure of always keeping up with what's happening online.

 The perfect time to do this is after work, during lunchtime or before bedtime.

 By disconnecting completely, you will be able to enjoy the moment freely without worries or digital distractions.

We all need a break from time to time to give our minds a rest.

 Our brains are constantly flooded with information from the modern world: news, social media, commercials and more. While all this information helps us keep up with the times, it also contributes to mental fatigue and chronic stress.

 That's why it's important to give ourselves a break and give our brains a rest from the constant noise of the world.
 Taking a moment to disconnect from outside noise can be healthy for your mind and body.

 Here are some simple ways to relax during the day: read the newspaper or a book, do yoga or guided meditation, spend time in nature, listen to relaxing music or practice deep breathing.

 A good way to keep your brain from overloading is to plan regular periods of mental rest.

 Turn off your phone completely for a certain amount of time each week to allow yourself to completely disconnect and even schedule screen-free hours each day. Let your mind recharge its batteries and enjoy the silence.

2. If you feel stress overwhelming you, take a few seconds to take a short break and take three deep, slow breaths.

 This simple daily practice can help you relieve the level of stress you feel, as well as improve your mental and physical health.

3. If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, step back for a few minutes, find a window and look at the sky.

 Allow yourself to enjoy the deep blue color of the sky, the white clouds that cover the sky or the golden light of the sunset.

 Appreciate the beautiful orange and pink hues of the last rays of sunshine as the tiredness accumulated throughout the day begins to dissipate. Empty thoughts from your head as you do this to relax and find relief in the tranquility of the moment.

4. For a healthy state of mind, always carry some aromatic herbs such as lavender or mint.

 These plants have calming properties and can help in times of sadness or despondency.

 In addition to their pleasant aroma, they offer other health benefits such as relieving stress and muscle aches.

5. To start your day with energy, focus on a daily habit that you have developed and that you do without thinking too much about it.

 It could be your breakfast routine, getting ready for work, or the way you rest when you get home from work.

 By paying attention to these habitual details, you will awaken your mind for the day.

6. Don't forget to stretch twice a day!

This is especially important if you spend a lot of time sitting, as you may have problems with stiff muscles and joints.

 You can do a simple routine in as little as 2 minutes to stay healthy: start by rotating your shoulders 10 times on each side, followed by making circular movements with your neck; then bend and extend your feet 10 times each; finish the routine by stretching your wrists by rotating them first upwards and then downwards.

7. In the morning, before leaving home for work, look at yourself in the mirror and give yourself a word of encouragement.

 "You are capable and have all the necessary skills", "You have everything you need to achieve your goals", "Today can be the start of something great" - these are just a few positive examples that will remind you of your worth and your daily purpose.

8. Skin-to-skin contact is one of the best remedies to calm the symptoms of stress.

A simple way to relax in difficult moments is to simply stroke your arm or moisturize your hands and arms with a gentle massage.

 These actions, in addition to providing health benefits to your skin, help relieve mental and physical state.

 The contact with the skin releases endorphins that make us feel safe and calm.

9. Give yourself a small goal to achieve in the future: a date for yourself!

Sit down to read a good book, watch a funny comedy or make plans to watch your favorite soccer game. Or, listen to an interesting podcast you want to discover.

 Take the time to give yourself something to look forward to and enjoy.

10. By making a small effort to congratulate someone sincerely, you can improve your well-being and that of others.

There are several ways to show affection and gratitude for others, from simply saying "thank you" to giving them a gift or offering help.

 These actions are not only good for maintaining healthy relationships with the people around us, but also help us to elevate ourselves emotionally by seeing the positive effect on them.

11. Life is made up of small habits that can help us have more motivation and happiness during the day.

One way to achieve this is to create a new daily habit, whether it's something small, like putting your pencils in the right way so you can find them easily, making yourself a delicious cup of tea before you start work, or simply changing into comfortable attire at the end of the day.

 These are simple actions that help us disconnect from work and enjoy our break; there are many easy ways to implement them into our daily routines.

12. Sometimes a little smile can change the course of your day! Have a laugh.

 If you want to wake up your sense of humor, take a few minutes to watch a funny YouTube video or some of your favorite series that always make you laugh while commuting to work on public transportation, or walking, and even while eating lunch to cheer yourself up.

 If you don't have five minutes, save some funny pictures on your phone to read and laugh when you need a breather throughout the day.

13. Listen to the sound of nature or white noise while doing your work.

 Not only will this help improve your concentration, but you can also feel a sense of tranquility in your work environment.

 If you're looking for something to focus on, try listening to the soothing sounds of the wind rustling through the trees, the sound of waves crashing against the shore, or birds singing in the morning.

 Not only do they provide a soothing background to please your ears, but they will also transport you to a calm and tranquil place.

14. Never underestimate the power of staying well hydrated.

 Water is the key to optimal health, so always make sure to carry a bottle of water with you to keep you hydrated throughout the day. I usually keep one on my desk and one in my purse so I don't go over my recommended intake.

 I also set alarms every two hours on my phone as a reminder to drink water.

15. You can achieve a state of calm and relaxation virtually anywhere with just a few minutes of meditation.

A good way to start is to set aside two minutes for meditation, beginning by paying attention to your breathing.

 This will help you get rid of distracting thoughts and also lower your stress level. By focusing solely on your breathing and allowing all your other thoughts to fade away, you will have the opportunity to clear your mind when you return to your daily activities.

 During this exercise, simply sit comfortably, avoid outside interruptions and try to free your mind.

 Then take a few deep breaths to relax further. There is no need to count your breaths or check whether they are deep or not; just try to feel the flow of incoming and outgoing air.

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