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Avoid ruining your relationships: 5 common mistakes

Discover how certain toxic traits and behaviors can infiltrate your being and destroy your relationships without warning. Avoid them in time!...
Author: Alegsa

  1. 5 fatal mistakes in relationships
  2. Knowing your mistakes is essential to improve your relationships
  3. 1. "I choose to protect myself rather than expose myself to the wound"
  4. 2. "The problem is yours, not mine."
  5. 3. "Sincerity strengthens loving bonds"
  6. 4. "I expressed my love, however..."
  7. 5. "I feel uncomfortable with this"

In the vast and complex universe of human relationships, we often navigate with the compass of our emotions, beliefs, and experiences.

However, even the most experienced sailors can veer off course unknowingly, inadvertently leading their ships into turbulent waters.

As a psychologist and expert in astrology and the zodiac, I have dedicated my career to exploring the depths of love and relationships, offering guidance and support to those seeking to harmonize their stars in the firmament of their personal lives.

Through my motivational talks, books, and personal consultations, I have had the privilege of guiding countless individuals on their journey towards a deeper understanding of themselves and their loved ones.

With empathy and understanding, I invite you to join me on this journey of self-discovery and transformation, where we will learn together how to cultivate healthier, deeper, and more fulfilling relationships.

5 fatal mistakes in relationships

In the complex world of human relationships, it is easy to fall into traps that, unintentionally, damage the bonds we value the most. To shed light on this issue, we consulted with Dr. Elena Navarro, a psychologist and couples therapist with over 20 years of experience.

We explore five ways you could be hurting your relationships without even realizing it.

# 1. Lack of Effective Communication

"Communication is the fundamental pillar of any relationship," Dr. Navarro asserts. However, many people mistakenly assume that their loved ones will always know how they feel or what they need without expressing it clearly. "This assumption leads to misunderstandings and resentments," she warns.

# 2. Not Respecting Personal Spaces

In an era where we are constantly connected thanks to technology, it can be difficult to understand the importance of personal space. Dr. Navarro points out: "Constantly invading someone's personal space or not allowing them to have their alone time can create a feeling of suffocation." It is crucial to find a balance between sharing and respecting moments of solitude.

# 3. Unrealistic Expectations

Many conflicts arise from expecting too much from the other person without taking into account their limitations or personal circumstances. "Putting your partner on a pedestal and expecting perfection only sets the stage for disappointment," Navarro explains. It is important to love and accept people for who they really are.

# 4. Lack of Appreciation

Forgetting to acknowledge and value the small details can gradually erode affection in any relationship. Dr. Navarro emphasizes: "A simple 'thank you' or a gesture of appreciation can work wonders." Mutual gratitude strengthens emotional bonds.

# 5. Avoiding Conflict

Although it may seem counterintuitive, avoiding important discussions can be detrimental in the long run. "Conflicts are natural and necessary for growing together," Dr. Navarro maintains. Confronting them with respect allows for resolving fundamental differences and deepening mutual understanding.

During our conversation, it became clear that while these actions may seem minor individually, their cumulative impact can wreak havoc on our most cherished relationships if not addressed properly.

At the end of our interview, Dr. Navarro left a hopeful message: "Recognizing these mistakes is the first step to building stronger and healthier relationships." This advice reminds us that while we are all susceptible to error, we also have the constant power to improve how we interact with those we love.

Knowing your mistakes is essential to improve your relationships

Your essence uniquely combines your experiences and genetic heritage, evolving throughout your existence.

The attitudes and behaviors you choose to shape will profoundly mold your inner essence and play a crucial role in how you relate to the people around you.

Recognizing your flaws can be complicated when you only look from within; however, if you pay attention to how others respond to you, you can grasp those shortcomings before they negatively affect your relationships. Personal evolution involves taking responsibility for your actions and exploring new ways to positively interact with the environment.

Yet, there are certain common destructive patterns that can deteriorate who you are without you even noticing; such as a lack of emotional connection with others, being too self-centered, or having a high level of arrogance.

Therefore, it is crucial to be alert to how you influence those around you to promote a kinder and more constructive nature.

1. "I choose to protect myself rather than expose myself to the wound"

When we navigate through life, two paths present themselves: we can choose to open ourselves to vulnerability and unconditional love, or we can close off to avoid the pain of disappointment.

Many opt for the latter strategy as a protective shield; they choose to seal themselves off from love and connection to evade the possibility of rejection or emotional harm.

This stance is often reinforced if we learned from a young age that people are not always true to their word or act as expected.

Families may collapse, parents may fail to build a strong emotional bond, and we are surrounded by fallible individuals who make mistakes.

This cautious approach only grows stronger after experiences of bullying, emotional rejection, or disappointments in past romantic relationships.

But while the fear of being hurt may seem reasonable and even sensible, it also deprives us of genuinely experiencing love and deep human connections that facilitate our personal growth.

If we push away any possibility of love before it even has the chance to hurt us, we miss out on the joy of authentic human interaction.

You might also be interested in this other article:

Should I distance myself from someone?: 6 steps to distance yourself from toxic people

2. "The problem is yours, not mine."

At the moment we face challenges with our partner, it is natural to lean towards a defensive attitude.

This implies closing ourselves off to open exchange and refusing to be vulnerable in front of the other.

The Gottman Institute has identified this stance as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in communication, guilty of deteriorating loving bonds.

Taking a defensive response is our way of handling criticism or hurtful words.

It is a shield to protect ourselves and mitigate the negative impact of the other; but this attitude only worsens the existing conflict in the relationship. Consider this example:

"I thought you would take care of the dishes tonight... It's 11 o'clock and they still haven't been washed."

"You didn't mention that to me... Nobody informed me. You can't blame me for it, you should have said it earlier!"

With these types of reactions, we only manage to increase the distance between each other.

The key to fostering a healthy communicative environment lies in accepting our actions, paying true attention to what the other needs, and trying to see things from their perspective.

Despite the challenge of leaving behind our usual defensive refuge, it is possible if we arm ourselves with confidence and courage to explore deep emotions together with the one we love.

To learn more about this, visit:

Eight vital tips for a lasting loving relationship

3. "Sincerity strengthens loving bonds"

It is essential to cultivate a harmonious and balanced relationship, no matter the type of connection you share with your loved one.

Trust is a fundamental foundation in any emotional bond, and the most effective way to nurture it is through full honesty with our partner.

This implies being open about our actions at all times to prevent misunderstandings or unnecessary doubts.

Likewise, maintaining our independence is crucial in romantic relationships.

It is important to honor our own space and that of the other; however, with freedom comes a sense of shared responsibility.

It involves being completely honest about our activities and interests without hiding anything from our partner; even those aspects that may not be well received or cause tensions within the bond.

We often seek to preserve our autonomy because we have had past experiences with dominant individuals or have felt overwhelmed by oppressive family dynamics; but we must remember that while we are free to make decisions, we are also responsible for the consequences these have on our loved ones.

Therefore, by choosing to withhold information about our behaviors, we only manage to create distrust and insecurity in our partner, thus deteriorating the emotional bond that both have built: if we want to keep love alive, it is essential to mutually nurture trust.

In conclusion, if you experience insecurities about fully revealing yourself to your partner, communicate your needs to them: express your feelings clearly to avoid future misunderstandings; discuss this matter together to establish appropriate boundaries within the personal and relational framework that exists between you both.

4. "I expressed my love, however..."

Words have immense power and can transport us to dimensions we never imagined, but at the end of the day, it is our actions that truly matter.

The general tendency is to avoid confrontation, leading us to say things like "I'm not angry" or "Of course, I'll go this weekend," seeking above all to preserve harmony.

However, trying to please with words without following through with congruent actions ends up eroding the trust others place in us.

This creates an atmosphere loaded with frustration and uncertainty for both parties involved due to unrealistic expectations.

It is crucial to stay true to oneself; nevertheless, there is a correct and careful way to do so in order not to harm others' emotions.

Opting for direct yet considerate expression will always be more effective and will foster strong bonds based on honesty and personal commitment.

When you find yourself saying something like, "I told you I love you," reflect on whether your feelings are genuine or if you were just looking for an easy way out to avoid conflicts.

If necessary, step back and try again with sincerity; also, be willing to acknowledge your mistakes and offer apologies when appropriate: "I know I said 'I love you' before, but I need to talk to you about my true feelings... Can we have a conversation?”

If you made it this far reading, you might be interested in reading this other article:

17 tips to avoid conflicts and improve your relationships

5. "I feel uncomfortable with this"

For some, affection is the main way to show love and connection. Physical contact is often associated with closeness in relationships.

However, there are those who do not feel comfortable giving or receiving too much physical affection, which can lead to conflicts in a relationship.

The language of love for many involves physical contact: hugs, kisses, and caresses are common expressions of affection.

If you notice that your partner avoids physical contact or rejects your displays of affection without any explanation, they may be dealing with their own emotional difficulties or past trauma.

It is crucial to try to understand the psychological challenges your partner faces regarding tactile affection before passing judgment on their behavior.

Discussing this issue can be complicated for both if there are deep-seated fears or insecurities; however, working together to overcome these barriers will strengthen your relationship.

There are various strategies to gradually approach the desired level of intimacy: joint therapy (if necessary), slowly decreasing resistance to physical contact through therapeutic massages or similar methods; starting with small demonstrations of affection like sharing a hot drink on a cold day; or expressing your love verbally - any method that is suitable for both of you will greatly facilitate emotional healing.

Our personal essence is often established from an early age, but our behaviors can change. You have the power over your attitudes and can modify those you consider negative. By being open, honest with yourself, and affectionate without reservations, you become a better half in the relationship, contributing to fuller and happier experiences.

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  • What efforts should both partners make to understand each other and maintain a healthy relationship?

    Maintaining a healthy relationship requires a lot of effort and communication from both partners. Some tips to improve your communication and understand each other better include:

    1. Listen to each other carefully, with little attention.

    2. Don't bring up frequent conversations about what's going on, even what may sound outrageous.

    3. To leave room for me to grow here - just to hide my thoughts.

    4. To show our feelings openly and honestly, without fear of rejection or defamation.

    5. Spending time together and taking time to grow and make our relationship stronger.

    6. To accept that someone is different and has different opinions, and to value my ability to accept their side.

    7. To take advantage of my bail - πʊλʊ guarantee right hɛʀι fɛʀι fɛʀι fɛʀι even situations when we will need help.

    Through these efforts, you can build a relationship based on communication, understanding and respect.

I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

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