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Don't get your hopes up: Why expecting the worst is the most positive way to live

I don't want you to get your hopes up. I am not referring to anything in particular. Just in general. In general, don't get your hopes up....
Author: Alegsa

  1. Do not believe in hope as a solution
  2. Is it realistic to know that you are successful?
  3. Your attitude in the present is all that matters for success.
  4. Let us learn from our mistakes

I don't want you to get your hopes up too high. Actually, I'm not talking about something specific. Just generalizing.

Generally, expectations only lead to disappointment.

 I'm not saying you have to prepare for the worst necessarily, but I am suggesting a healthy and rational way to approach any situation: instead of expecting positive outcomes, keep your mind open to all possibilities.

 If the end result is less favorable than expected, you will be able to deal with it without much trouble because you were already prepared for disappointment; if the opposite happens - Fantastic! - it will be a pleasant surprise and you will be able to fully enjoy it.

 In short; try to avoid getting unnecessary illusions so as not to end up hurt or disappointed by the final results, but remember that there is always room for unexpected happiness.

Do not believe in hope as a solution

 The idea of hoping doesn't always work and can often backfire.

If you spend your life hoping that things will work out, what you're really saying is, "I don't want to risk feeling disappointed."

This leads to living in pampered discomfort, thinking, "Well, yeah, everyone said I'd become a billionaire and have my own mansion with a Chipotle."

 This is why many recommend taking the opposite approach: prepare for the worst.

 However, I fully understand how some find this idea too extreme to practice.

 So if you want to approach the subject objectively there is another alternative: expect neither good nor bad.

What's the point of doing it, what do you get out of doing it, anything? Some would say that if you visualize your success with enough conviction you will achieve it.

 This mentality sounds ideal, but it is completely based on nothing and will not necessarily work.

 What is usually forgotten are those cases of hard-working people with big dreams, but no significant results; people whose story was never told on Oprah or successfully auditioned for American Idol.

 Therefore, we must understand that having delusional expectations will not necessarily help us achieve our goals; there are times when plans fail even if constant positivity was maintained throughout the process.

 Success often requires effort as well as self-confidence to move forward regardless of the stumbling blocks along the way.

Is it realistic to know that you are successful?

 Many dreamers are convinced that their destiny is success.

However, is it really possible to know the final outcome before embarking on a struggle? The short answer is: no.

 There are several reasons for this, from the lack of certainty in the outcome to the attitude of self-satisfaction that can arise when someone believes they have already won before they even begin.

 There are some positive aspects to relying on success to motivate you to stick to your goals; however, those who are overly optimistic about the future run the risk of falling victim to the "magic hat effect".

This means feeling satisfied by a potential achievement without doing anything at all to achieve it.

 This reduces the need to work hard and increases the likelihood of real and lasting success.

 In contrast, those who take a practical approach will be rewarded for their patience and determination as they look back on the journey.

 In the end, they will discover that temporary failures only serve as stepping stones to the top; this is how lasting results in life are achieved.

Your attitude in the present is all that matters for success.

 Having a good attitude about what will happen is important, but the attitude you have right now is even more relevant if you want to achieve success.

 This means doing things effectively and optimizing your work without bias or expectations.

Expectations are just a futile attempt to pretend that we know something about the future, when we really have no control over anything.

 That's why you should focus on your work right now: from preparing projects to improving your professional skills.

 There is no room for laziness or conformism if you want to achieve the desired results.

 Just as there is no room for expectations, since you will never know for sure how the situation will unfold. Your destiny is in you and it is up to you to decide how to use your energy to convert it into constructive actions.

Let us learn from our mistakes

Not all of us are destined to succeed, but if we try hard and work hard we can learn a lot from our failures.

 We should always remember that pride is not in what we get, but in who we become by trying.

 The goals we work hard for are the key to improving ourselves as people: whether it's a successful career or a competitive sport, the process of preparation is just as important as the end result.

 And even though there are things that will happen no matter what we do, such as the lottery (where we will never win), there are still plenty of areas where we can have an influence, either through our actions or decisions.

 So go ahead with those crazy ideas and dreams - who knows? Maybe something good will come of them - pursuing hopes and prayers may be the key to discovering unforeseen greatness.

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I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

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