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A summary of love for 2021, according to your Zodiac sign

What each of the zodiac signs can expect in 2021 in terms of love, partnership and relationships of any kind....
Author: Alegsa


(21 March to 19 April)

In 2021 you have to realise that love will not always be fun and exciting. Sometimes it feels comfortable and safe. As Aries you like thrills and adventure, but when it comes to people who have every intention of staying in your life rather than leaving, it won't always feel like an exciting journey.


(20 April to 21 May)

In 2021 you must realise that actions speak louder than words, especially when it comes to love. It is easy for someone to say they love you, make a promise and tell you they will be there, but it is not easy for them to prove it, to keep that promise and show you that love is more than just a statement. It's easy to declare love, but it's not easy to show that it's true.


(22 May to 21 June)

In 2021 you have to realise that you choose to love someone. And you choose to go or to stay. Love is an active choice that you can choose to make or not. Sometimes decisions are difficult, choosing to love someone, if they are the right person, should not be so difficult.


(22 June to 22 July)

In 2021 you must realise that letting go is more than just letting someone out of your life. Sometimes letting go involves real forgiveness, not just ignoring, blocking and disregarding. Sometimes that forgiveness starts within yourself.


(23 July to 22 August)

In 2021 you have to realise that rejection happens to everyone and you don't have to be so hard on yourself when it does. Not everyone will like you, you won't be everyone's cup of tea, but that doesn't mean you're a failure in love and don't deserve it.


(23 August to 22 September)

In 2021 you have to realise that who you are is enough. You shouldn't have to second guess every word you say, or every little thing you do in a relationship. You shouldn't have to be anyone but yourself. You shouldn't have to pretend to want things you don't want, and you shouldn't have to pretend to be interested in things you're not interested in. Who you really are is all anyone else is looking for, it's just a matter of whether you've already met them.


(23 September to 22 October)

In 2021 you must realise that love is often messy, and never perfect. It's okay for a relationship to go through a rough patch, it's okay to argue and disagree, and it's definitely okay to be upset about it all. Love isn't always going to be balanced, and you and your partner won't always be in perfect harmony. Love takes work, and the work you do is sometimes a mess.


(23 October to 22 November)

In 2021 you must realise that constantly comparing will not improve your current situation. You are not your partner's ex, and this relationship is not your old one. You are not that partner either, and you don't have to be. In 2021 don't compare yourself, or your relationship, to everyone else and definitely don't compare it to your past.


(23 November to 21 December)

In 2021 you have to realise that love can withstand distance and time as long as you are willing to let it. It doesn't have to feel like torture to maintain a relationship when you are not physically together. You have to decide if love is strong enough and worth keeping, and only you can make that decision.


(22 December to 20 January)

In 2021 you must realise that love won't always make sense, and it definitely won't always be practical. Sometimes love sucks, sometimes it happens at the worst time, and sometimes you fall in love with people you never wanted to fall in love with. Learn to accept that and you'll start to feel less terrible.


(21 January to 18 February)

In 2021 you have to realise that you can love someone who is completely different from anyone you have ever loved before, and you don't have to question it or doubt it. You don't have to date someone who has the same interests as you, and you don't have to look for or date one type of person just because you always have. Let people surprise you.


(19 February to 20 March)

In 2021 you must realise that love is more than a romantic gesture. It is not just a dozen roses and a box of chocolate. Love is work. It is effort and consistency. It's arguments and punches. It is playful and serious. It's a beautiful mess of contradictions that can make you the happiest you've ever felt and also take you to the darkest places you've ever been. Love is not all romance, but it is beautiful.

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