Welcome to ALEGSA's horoscope

Find out which zodiac sign you should avoid according to your own sign

Find out which sign you should avoid in love according to your zodiac. Don't miss this guide to find the perfect partner!...
16-06-2023 09:03

  1. Zodiac: Aries
  2. Zodiac: Taurus
  3. Zodiac: Gemini
  4. Zodiac: Cancer
  5. Zodiac: Leo
  6. Zodiac: Virgo
  7. Zodiac: Libra
  8. Zodiac: Scorpio
  9. Zodiac: Sagittarius
  10. Zodiac: Capricorn
  11. Zodiac: Aquarius
  12. Zodiac: Pisces

Welcome to a new article where we will explore one of the most exciting and controversial topics in the astrological world: the compatibilities between the zodiac signs.

 If you've ever wondered why some relationships are a resounding success while others seem doomed from the start, you're in the right place.

 As a psychologist and astrology expert, I've devoted much of my career to researching how the characteristics of each sign can influence our love relationships.

 In this article, I'll reveal which zodiac sign you should avoid based on your own sign, giving you invaluable guidance for making better decisions and building healthier relationships.

 With my extensive experience in counseling and predicting the future, I will provide you with the advice and help you need to avoid the pitfalls and obstacles that can arise on the road to love.

 So get ready to discover the secrets hidden in the stars and unveil how you can find happiness in love, always taking into account your zodiac sign.

 Let's start this exciting journey together!

Zodiac: Aries

 Your passionate and energetic character is confronted by Virgo's thoroughness and constant criticism.

 Virgo is not afraid to point out your mistakes directly, which can affect your self-esteem and lead you to block their phone number.

 You will have to learn to deal with criticism and find a balance between your need for recognition and the reality of Virgo's high standards.

Zodiac: Taurus

 Sagittarius and you, as astrological opposites, diverge in many facets.

 Sagittarius craves freedom and idealism, while you are more assertive and stubborn.

 Sagittarius' lack of decisiveness can be frustrating, especially when it comes to making simple decisions like choosing a restaurant.

 Although it is said that opposites attract, it is essential to recognize that these differences can create awkwardness on a date and that divergent values can lead to conflict.

Zodiac: Gemini

 The irritability and fluctuating moods of people born under the sign of Cancer can tire your innate restlessness and vitality.

 While they enjoy staying at home and resting, you crave excitement and new experiences.

 If you are not willing to compromise and give them a chance, you are likely to find the encounter uninteresting and lacking in stimulation.

Zodiac: Cancer

 Having an outing with Gemini can be an uncomfortable and challenging experience.

 Disparities between the two of you can lead to disputes and awkward moments.

 It is essential that you strive to be less melancholy and monotonous, as this can alienate Gemini and make them uncomfortable.

 Try to find points of connection and learn to enjoy the divergences to make the encounter more rewarding.

Zodiac: Leo

 Taurus is characterized by being a pragmatic and reserved sign, unlike you, who has a flamboyant and extravagant personality.

 The fact that you want to share every aspect of your relationship on social media can be uncomfortable for Taurus, who values privacy much more.

 It is essential that you take into account the feelings and preferences of others if you want to build a solid and authentic relationship.

Zodiac: Virgo

 At times, you become your own main adversary, Virgo.

 The idea of dating someone as thorough and scrupulous as you may seem appealing, but you're both likely to be put off by the lack of connection and the excessive amount of criticism.

 It is essential to find a middle ground between perfection and acceptance so that you can enjoy a healthy and rewarding relationship.

Zodiac: Libra

 You are a sign that feels a great attraction for social life and nightlife.

 You enjoy being in a crowd, surrounded by people and fun. However, you may come across a Scorpio who is attracted to you and doesn't understand why you are dancing with someone else instead of giving in to him or her.

 Although it may be a little awkward, keep a positive attitude, at least they can take care of your things while you have fun.

Zodiac: Scorpio

 When you fall in love, you do it with an overflowing passion and complete surrender.

 For this reason, it can be disconcerting to meet someone like Aquarius, who tends to be superficial and uncommitted.

 You are a sign that seeks possession, while Aquarius is indecisive and difficult to control.

 You may find yourself chatting animatedly with strangers and they forget about your presence, which can make you feel uncomfortable in a corner of the room. By the end of that date, you are likely to feel inadequate and ignored.

Zodiac: Sagittarius

 Believe it or not, you have more similarities with Capricorn than you realize.

 Both signs are driven, friendly and rational.

 However, there is a great disparity between the two of you: you are an optimistic person, while Capricorn tends to be more pessimistic.

 If your plans don't unfold as you expected, you will be able to take it in stride and move on without difficulty.

 Capricorn, on the other hand, will be upset about it.

 Capricorn's negativity can dampen your joy and this can lead to conflict between the two of you.

Zodiac: Capricorn

 Aries may seem too wild and impulsive for your taste, Capricorn.

 You prefer a gradual, steady approach when it comes to exploring your feelings of attraction to someone, which can alienate Aries, who is enthusiastic by nature.

 You're not one to overly praise until you're completely convinced that the other person deserves it.

 Your more reserved approach may clash with Aries' bold and daring personality.

Zodiac: Aquarius

 You are a person interested in art and luxury, just like Pisces, which gives you a lot to talk about during a date.

 However, you may feel the urge to distance yourself after a certain amount of time.

 Pisces tends to be very dependent and needy, which can put your commitment-fearing side on alert.

 You wish they would stop trying to hold on to you after just one date.

Zodiac: Pisces

 If you decide to have a relationship with a Leo, you will enjoy being pampered and spoiled, something that your sensitive and insecure side will value greatly.

 However, you are a more modest and simple person compared to this proud fire sign.

 A Leo full of self-confidence will seek to impress you, even if it means upsetting other people, and that could affect you in a negative way.

 You may feel uncomfortable with their attitude of superiority, and this can lead to conflict between the two of you.

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Aquarius Aries Cancer Capricorn Gemini Leo Libra Pisces Sagittarius Scorpio Taurus Virgo


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