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The 5 types of soul mates you can have in your life

Have you ever met someone and immediately felt some sort of connection with them? Or maybe over time you've started to notice that connection with them?...
24-03-2023 23:36

  1. The connection of soul mates in friendship
  2. The teaching behind the soul mate
  3. The destiny of soul mates
  4. The duality of the soul mate
  5. In search of a soul mate from the past

Have you ever felt an instant connection with someone? It may have even taken you a while to realize this connection. This may be a sign that you have found your soul mate.

 It is important to keep in mind that everyone has more than one soul mate.

 These special connections with certain people make us feel alive, teach us important lessons and help us discover our purpose in life.

 According to beliefs, there are 5 types of soul mates, each of them fulfills a specific function in our life:

The connection of soul mates in friendship

 The connection between soul mates in friendship is one of the most comforting relationships because of the similarity in shared attitudes and beliefs.

You experience a feeling of comfort in the company of a person who has become your soul mate.

 You trust him or her and feel you can place your deepest secrets in him or her.

 As life goes on, these relationships can evolve, grow and also disappear.

 You may have more than one friend who becomes your soul mate in life.

The term "soul mate companion" can also be used to refer to these friends.

 A companion can be a romantic or platonic relationship and is usually what we traditionally associate with the term "soul mate".

 It may be someone with whom you share a deep connection, such as a close friend, and end up marrying.

 Whether you refer to this person as a friend or a partner, the bond you share will never be broken.

The teaching behind the soul mate

Have you heard the expression "some people are blessings and some people are lessons"?

True, and the teacher's soul mate is just that: a lesson.

A teacher can appear in any form: a friend, a neighbor, a relative, someone at your work or even in your class.

 You are probably going through a difficult situation with them or in general, and this person has been sent by your spirit guides to teach you the value of patience, love, empathy and respect.

 We must be open to receive their teachings, as it is often through these situations that we learn and grow as people.

 Although it may not always be easy, we should try to find the lesson behind each encounter and be grateful for the opportunity to grow.

The destiny of soul mates

 The theory of karma states that our energy attracts both positive and negative experiences into our lives.

In the same way, our karmic connections appear multiple times throughout our lives, both in romantic and platonic relationships.

 It is often said that the people we have been with the longest are usually the ones we have the hardest time dealing with.

 But what happens when we meet someone with whom we connect so intensely that it quickly seems as if we have known each other all our lives, and yet a few weeks later we are constantly fighting, like a couple married for decades? The answer can be found in that it is a connection of soul mates who have met again in this life after having known each other in a past life.

 This type of connection is usually very deep, because of all the underlying issues that are involved in karma, and can end well or badly.

 Sometimes, even after a separation, some rivalry may arise as each goes their separate ways in life.

The duality of the soul mate

 There is a belief that twin flames arise from a soul that, at a given moment, splits into two bodies.

 Each becomes the missing half of the other.

 In essence, twin flames are a reflection of who we are.

It has been established that a twin flame relationship is the most intense and passionate of all.

 It is even said that we are "spiritually married" to our soul mate.

 When we find a twin flame (and we all have one), we connect on a spiritual level and reach a deep union.

 This connection challenges us, teaches us, heals us and loves us.

 It helps us reach enlightenment and become the best version of ourselves.

 Unlike other soulmate connections, in this lifetime we only have one twin flame.

 That's why, when we find it, we know it.

 This connection will change our life forever.

In search of a soul mate from the past

Not everyone believes in the existence of "past lives".

 However, it is likely that at some point you have felt a certain comfort or familiarity when meeting someone new.

Has this happened to you? If you feel that this person is familiar to you, it is possible that he or she was your soul mate in a past life.

 These types of feelings are accumulated energy, and show a very special connection that was forged in the past.

 However, it does not mean that you will have an intense, romantic connection with her, or even that you will be friends.

 It is simply a subtle way that the universe is telling you that you are on the right path and that everything will flow well.

 You may have already found your soul mate, or perhaps he or she is still to come.

 In any case, these people appear at different times in life to add something positive.

 You just need to open your heart and be alert to notice them.

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