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6 subtle signs that you don't see your own value

Learn to value yourself. In this article we show you six signs that you don't value yourself....
24-03-2023 20:32

1. When someone shows interest in you or flirts with you, your first thought is to be suspicious.

 Even if they take it seriously, you can't help but think that they'll change their mind right away when they see the real you.

 Try as you might, you can't conceive of the idea of someone having a crush on you.

 You find it impossible to imagine them smiling when they see your name on the phone or daydreaming about you.

 Since you don't value yourself, you can't imagine that anyone else does either.

2. You are used to building relationships, friendships and a career.

 You feel bad about wanting more, because you think you're already lucky enough with what you have.

 How can you ask your boss for a raise if you're already lucky to have a job? How can you ask your friends to text you more if you're already lucky to be supported? How can you ask your partner to treat you better if you're already lucky to be attractive? You don't like to complain because you think you have no reason to.

 You don't ask for what you deserve because you don't realize what you deserve.

3. You always exaggerate with your friends, but you don't trust them to do the same for you.

4. Even though you are honest when you tell your friends how cute, funny and smart they are, you don't believe it when they say the same to you.

 You feel that they only compliment you because they feel obligated or because they have some affection for you. You never trust the compliments you receive about your looks or your personality, but you always believe the negative reviews.

 You only focus on your unflattering looks when you look in the mirror.

5. It is common for you to pay no attention to your good qualities and focus only on the ones you consider poor.

 For some reason, you find it easier to be hard on yourself than to compliment yourself.

 Sometimes you find it hard to remember the last time you thought you looked beautiful and how you feel when you look at a picture of yourself.

 Although you are not always pessimistic, when it comes to your view of yourself, you often are.

6. You experience hesitation to take a risk, assuming you'll embarrass yourself.

 Maybe you don't feel pretty enough to find love through dating apps and you don't apply for your dream job because you don't think you're smart enough.

 Maybe you feel unworthy of pursuing your goals and you let your dreams slip away because you have this idea that you're going to make a fool of yourself.

 You think you are not good enough to succeed.

7. You shake your head every time people try to encourage you, but the day will come when you will realize that you have value.

 You will discover that your life has meaning and you will realize that you deserve to be loved as much by others as by yourself.

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