Welcome to ALEGSA's horoscope

Inhale the good, exhale the bad

Throughout your life you will come across many people. The one thing they all have in common is a lesson to offer....
24-03-2023 19:35

  1. Life is not always fair
  2. Harmful Energy
  3. Each person is a source of learning in life.

During our existence, we will meet along the way close companions, passing friends, hostile individuals, disruptive bosses, outstanding leaders, fuel station workers and kind-hearted people.

 Some will remain with us forever, some for a while, and some may cause us serious harm.

 What they all share in common, however, is a valuable lesson.

Although we can sometimes regulate how we are treated in certain circumstances, on many occasions it will not be in our hands.

 It is well known that the value of the lessons learned will depend on how we react and how we incorporate the lessons into our being.

 In every moment there is something to achieve, even in the most painful moments.

Life is not always fair

 It is true that life is not always fair, but learning to control your emotions and avoid being affected by them will help you to have a more balanced and peaceful life.

 Imagine that someone in your life was very manipulative and misrepresented a fact to turn you against people.

 The other party had no idea what was really going on.

 The first reaction would be to seek revenge and make him feel the same way you felt.

 But instant gratification is not always the best solution. It may be pleasurable at first, but it doesn't last long.

If you use that energy to move forward and create a better life for yourself, you can overcome that situation. Live your truth and don't add fuel to the fire.

 The universe has a way of balancing karma.

 You may have to deal with malicious comments and a toxic work environment that drains you day by day. It's normal to feel the need to stand up to the bullies at work and let them know what you think.

 However, that's their intention: they want to see you angry and out of control.

 Some people rejoice when they cause emotional harm to others.

 Don't give in to the power they wield over you.

Harmful Energy

 If there are individuals who emit harmful energy and continue to hurt others, be aware that they will eventually get what they deserve.

 Consider that if you have to deal with this problem, it is a disturbance within them, not in you.

Do not believe that this reflects who you really are, especially if you have not provoked this behavior.

 The problem lies in their inability to reconcile with certain aspects of themselves and it is important to remember this.

 The best thing to do is to stand firm and not let them take control of your emotions.

 Don't allow them to get the satisfaction they seek, as this only reinforces their bullying behavior.

 Constant stress can affect not only your mind, but also your body, sending your stress hormones into overdrive.

 Ignoring them early will make them realize that their attempt to damage your psyche is a failure and that you are mentally stronger than they thought. However, if the harassment is severe, it is best to document every word and date of harassment, and present it to someone with the power to hold them accountable for their actions.

When you learn to manage your emotions, it will be easier to filter out the negative and learn important lessons.

 Don't let these people make your life more difficult.

 Don't fill your aura with bitter vibes that will only attract negativity.

 Be kind to yourself and others. Treat others with kindness because it is the right thing to do.

 Kindness produces an instant warmth that creates solidarity between people and is a fundamental part of what it means to be human.

 It's not about a transaction between you and the universe, but about being a good person.

 With this in mind, don't let anyone else feel the way you once did.

Each person is a source of learning in life.

 Every person we come across in our lives is unique, and behind them lies a valuable learning opportunity.

 From true leaders, who treat their team with respect, foster inclusion and fairness.

 Those who understand the importance of uniting individuals and their unique talents into one team, igniting a special spark that never goes out.

 From the manipulators, bullies and gossipers, who tried to undermine our self-esteem.

 They taught us the value of resilience and inner strength.

 They showed us the importance of turning the other cheek and overcoming negativity, and how our actions influence our mental health.

 Of friendships that didn't last, but showed us the inevitable reality of change in life.

 Accepting that sometimes we must let go of people and environments where we no longer find our place.

 And, of course, of true friends who always accompany and support us.

 Those who really know us and have our back at all times.

 The couple who dedicate incalculable efforts to keep us well.

 People who are a bright light in the darkness, and who are here to stay forever.

 In short, every person we meet offers us a priceless life lesson.

 Let us value them and learn from them.

 Let's learn to take a deep breath and enjoy the good, exhaling away the bad.

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