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How to foster hope in the midst of chaos

In times of uncertainty, may we run to the One who gives us life, not to the grocery store....
24-03-2023 19:32

In times of uncertainty, it is important to remember that we can seek refuge in the one who gave us life, rather than turning to the grocery store for comfort.

 This is a story about how my life took an unexpected turn....

 My desire is to love and serve others during these difficult times, and I hope you will join me.

 Here are some suggestions that we can all put into practice to help in these difficult times:

  1. Help the elderly or elderly neighbor with shopping or errands.

  1. Provides child care for children who are unable to attend school due to the crisis.

  1. Washing hands regularly and disinfecting work spaces, home, etc.

  1. Prepare food for family, friends or neighbors, as many rely on school, church or shelter meals.

  1. Share stored supplies, trusting that God will continue to provide.

  1. Say a prayer for those whose lives have been drastically changed by the crisis, for example, for the elderly who never imagined they would experience such a time as this, or for that exchange student who must say goodbye to his temporary home.

  1. Provides a safe haven for children who do not enjoy being at home.

  1. Pray for those suffering from anxiety or other mental illnesses who continue to cope and adapt to these sudden changes.

  1. Stay home if you are sick or have recently been exposed to infection.

  1. Offers to drive someone to a location where they need to go to reduce exposure to public transportation.

  1. Keep an optimistic and calm attitude - the next generation is watching.

  1. Remember in your prayers health care workers, first responders, government officials and all those on the front lines of the crisis.

Let us be generous in our love for others. We must give them hope, offer our service wherever possible and, of course, keep ourselves safe.

 However, let us take this opportunity to show someone who Jesus is. Both our actions and our words, our peace and our prayers can serve as a means for God to work in extraordinary ways.

So let's keep going! Together we can bring about the healing we so desperately need!

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