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6 myths about psychological therapy that you must stop believing

I think the topic of going to therapy has become more socially acceptable than it was 10 years ago, but unfortunately, there are still a lot of myths that people believe in relation to therapeutic practices....
24-03-2023 19:30

It is clear that therapy has gained greater social acceptance than it did a decade ago, however, there are still huge myths about it that many believe.

 Here are six truths and untruths that will help you understand the many benefits therapy can bring to your life.

Myth: You only go to therapy to pay someone to listen to you.

 Fact: Going to a trained professional who is objective about your personal problems can allow you to talk about and seek solutions to your issues.

Myth: Being "crazy" or having gone through extreme situations is a prerequisite for going to therapy.

 Fact: Different individuals come to therapy for a variety of reasons, including issues related to trauma, but also because they may need additional support to navigate their daily lives.

Myth: Turning to a friend or relative is more effective than turning to a therapist.

 Fact: While friends and family can be considerable support networks, the reality is that it is always better to get advice from someone less involved.

 This way, you can receive trusted recommendations from someone who does not have a preconceived perspective of who you are or your situation.

4. Myth: Therapy is for mentally weak people.

 Fact: Going to therapy does not make someone mentally weaker than someone who does not go to therapy.

 In fact, people who choose to seek professional help for their mental problems demonstrate a high level of self-awareness, which enables them to identify and recognize the need for specialized psychological support.

5. Myth: Therapy is too costly to attend.

 Fact: There are many financially accessible therapy options.

 In some cases, if you are insured, you may only have to pay a small co-pay, and in other cases you may even be able to access therapy for free.

 If you are not insured, there are still many options.

 For example, there are virtual therapy services, which offer personalized services at much lower prices than the average session.

6. Myth: Therapy is only for white people.

 Fact: Therapy is for anyone seeking psychological help.

 Although the media and other audio-visual depictions often show white-looking therapists, there are many therapists of other ethnicities and cultures.

 Therefore, therapy is for anyone in need, regardless of ethnic, cultural or racial background.

 We hope this information has been helpful to those who took the time to read it.

 From our personal experience, we believe that therapy can be very beneficial in a person's life, helping them to grow and improve on a personal level.

 If you are interested in learning more about therapy, we invite you to search for your own information to find what best meets your needs.

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